Thursday, July 28, 2022

Powershell: ping multiple machines

 A simple powershell script to ping multiple IPs/Hostname

How to use

  • Replace the value of the variable $variable (example: $variable = “ipaddress”,”hostname”,”computername”,”website”)

  • Copy and paste the script in notepad and save with extension “.ps1

  • Run via the commandline in powershell

PS C:\Temp> .\ping.ps1

  • Or you can right click the file and run by “Run with PowerShell”

The Code

$variable = "","","",""


Write-Host "Not Pingable does not mean site/computer is down. It could be that ping response is disabled.`r`n" -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor blue

 foreach ($computer in $variable)


     if (Test-Connection  $computer -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){

         Write-Host "$computer is " -nonewline

Write-Host "pingable" -foregroundcolor green



         Write-Host "$computer is " -nonewline

Write-Host "not pingable" -foregroundcolor red



Sample Output

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